1. Barriers

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    February 12, 2010

    There are some things in life that you don’t get that easily. Not everyone’s lucky. But you can be, and you will be, in time. It may also depend on what it is that you’re looking for. You might have already found it but you let it slip away, or you didn’t notice it. How would you know? I guess you’ll just know it when it comes.

    What would you do if finally, something you’ve been long waiting for has finally arrived? When something that you’ve always wanted and wished for has already come true? How would you feel? How would you react?

    Excitement is the first thing that comes into mind. You can’t escape the fact that once it happens, you’ll feel those butterflies in your stomach and you just can’t hide the smiles. You’re always feeling happy, light, like there’s not a single problem in this world that you have to worry about. It’s something that will never leave your thoughts for a long time, and still give you smiles once you remember. It’s just pure bliss at that moment.

    I’ve wished for a lot to happen in my life, I’ve asked for some things that I didn’t know when I would ever have. But then everyone gets their chance, and I got mine as well. It was something I’ve long waited for, something that’s not new to many of us, but not everyone has. It was something I’ve learned to understand and wanted to have since I first felt that hard beating in my chest like my heart wants to come out of it. I envied those who had it; I felt jealous of those who owned them; I wondered when I will finally be the one in their shoes. And when I already had it, I didn’t want to let it go. It was new to me, a different experience in a very good way. I was happy and content. I wanted it to last, for as long as it could. I wanted it to stay. I was in such delight. But as they say, nothing is permanent in this world, except for change.

    That time would also come, that you’ll have to learn to let go of the things you treasure the most. Sometimes you don’t know why, or how, if it was your fault or not, but it happens. It will hurt, and you have to go through it. You have to face it, and you have to survive it. If you still have it at the end, that’s your bonus. But if you don’t, you’ll have to get used to it. You can hope and pray that it comes back; of course it’s not easy to give up. But if it still doesn’t work out, you’ll have to learn when you should already let go and move on. Just thinking about it is already hard, but it is part of growing up and it’s not an easy process. Everyone experiences it, in different forms, in different situations, but still all the same. It is part of becoming who you are, and being strong despite the “barriers” of happiness in your life.

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