*Birthday blog: A blog where one would share how they celebrated their birthday.
June 25, 2010
I woke up feeling normal, like any other ordinary day. But it immediately came to my mind that it’s my birthday! I had to wake up early because we attended the 6am mass, and then we went straight to McDonald’s, I treated my mom and dad to breakfast, and then they dropped me off at the office. Of course they were the first ones who greeted me on my very special day.
I needed to arrive at the office earlier than usual too, because I filed a half day leave, so I had to be able to make it to around 8am so that I could leave the office at 12noon. I arrived around 8:10 I think, and when I arrived at my table, there was this plushy or just his small stuffed toy of wall-e, and a note written ‘Happy Birthday’. I sort of guessed that it was Alvin’s handwriting, and I was right, ha-ha. That was the first surprise of my day, and there was also a small note from Nica, greeting me a happy birthday as well. Then my day went on normally, but with a lot of greetings here and there, text messages, tonic messages, gtalk messages, ym messages, personal messages, and even in tumblr, twitter, plurk, and facebook! Another surprise was Casey’s tumblr post, where she made a picture with Pooh and his friends on it, with a greeting for me. It was really cute! And there was also this video of Pooh, I think that was a talking or singing stuffed toy or something, she said she found it on youtube and decided to share it for me, because I really like Pooh. :)
We had to go home early (yes, 1:30am was early) because we invited guests the next day for a simple party at home, for the celebration of my birthday, and for a sort of despedida for my dad who left last Sunday (June 27). I invited my closest high school friends, college friends, and officemates (sorry I couldn’t invite everyone, hindi ko pa carry, haha!). And of course we invited relatives, and even some of my mom’s friends whom I knew very well. It was supposed to be lunch but my guests started arriving around late afternoon, so it turned out to be merienda. But it was okay, because I was very thankful that they arrived. Even if not everyone whom I invited was able to come, especially with my high school friends, only one was able to come, I still had fun with them, and they came, that’s what’s important. :) Casey also gave me a gift, a Pooh pillow, and Rane gave me a cake from Red Ribbon, and Teng, Francis and Hanami gave me a slice of sans rival with matching candle-blowing. Thank you very much guys! :)

We finished a bit late at night already, and my college friends were the last to leave. Even though we were all tired, and sleepy, of course I still had to entertain them at least. Well I hope they had fun, because I did. :)
Once again, thank you to everyone who greeted me, remembered, and were generous enough to give gifts, and especially those who came last Saturday. This wasn’t the birthday that I was expecting, but it was definitely more fun! Sa uulitin! :D
Isang happy birthday ulit! :D