Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I know a lot of people consider Valentine's Day to be a day for couples, or those who have their significant others. I used to think about it that way too, but time changes everything. So now, even if I don't have my special someone, I've felt Valentine's Day in a way and celebrated it too as well.
Here was how I "celebrated" my February 14, 2011.
I was all dressed up. Haha! It looked like I will be having a date at the end of the day (an officemate actually asked me if I had one because I was wearing a dress), but honestly, I just felt like being all girly. Besides, I had my foot spa, mani-pedi, and a haircut the previous day. Yes, I'm all set and prepared for V-Day, even without a date.
Thanks to my officemates, the day had a little bit of 'sweetness' in it. :)
I was kind of expecting to see some flowers around the office, someone might have a bouquet or something, but there was none. Most of my officemates looked like they were on their way to their own dates since most of them (even those who don't usually do) went home early. But of course, on my way home, there were flowers, balloons, chocolates, here and there. And there was a lot of people at MOA, unusual for a Monday night, but since it's V-Day, it's very much understandable.

I also thought of buying something for Mama and Kuya, and I initially thought of chocolates. But I wanted it to be not just simple chocolates, or at least those that are V-Day inspired or something. so I ended up with this. It's not much, I only bought one, but at least it's something different. :)
And so my day ended with a happy and full tummy. Not much of a usual V-Day day, but still, at least the "essence" is there. Earlier in the day I even felt like I didn't want the day to end anymore because it was like a holiday, and everyone was just in good vibes. A traffic aide even helped me cross the street! Haha. Yes, it would've been better if I spent it with a significant other. But hey, so what if I'm single, right? :)) I'll celebrate it in the way I want to celebrate it. ♥
Everyone has got their own opinions about Valentine's Day; some may be bitter about this day, some may not care at all, some may find it the most special of days, and some may just appreciate the day as it is. And we should all respect each other's opinions. I, on the other hand, think that what's more important is we celebrate love, feel it, share it, keep it. Not just during Valentine's Day, but in any other day.
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love makes the ride worthwhile." -Franklin Jones
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