Today is the first of September, 2010. It’s the first day of classes in the States and there are approximately 115 days to go before Christmas. Also, it’s Jay Sean, and Rain’s concert here in Manila, on September 3 and September 11 respectively. There’s also the Supafest concert featuring Kelly Rowland, Sean Kingston, T-Pain, and Flo Rida. It’s also UAAP Cheerdance month, and the UAAP Final Four battle after. Glee and OTH also airs their new seasons this month, and it’s also my dad’s birthday at the end of the month! Okay, so I’ve just enumerated some big happenings during this month, and it’s pretty wild, but exciting! Looks like it’s gonna be a busy, fun-filled September, and before we know it, we’re going to be in the second ‘ber’ month already.
Time just really flies by on you, and if you don’t start noticing it now, you’ll just suddenly wake up one day thinking, where did all the time go? What did I do? How did I spend it?
I think what I’m trying to say is do as much as you can with every day that you have. Although for some, including me, there are limited choices, or possibilities, we have to look for a way to take advantage of each day that we have and live it to the fullest. If not every day, well at least choose one day or choose the weekend at least to go all out and just have fun. It is hard to do at times, just thinking about it, and it also depends on our everyday life choices. But it is worth it as well. Take some time off at work, go out after school, spend some time with family and friends, anything. Break your daily routine because it’s not healthy to do the same thing again and again. As what most people say, life is about taking risks, and it is in taking risks that we come up with the most unexpected happenings in life where surprises are in store for us. Life’s unpredictability makes it worth living, whether it is good or bad, it is during these times that we grow up and mature, and we will look back to this as a learning experience for us. That once we were brave enough to be able to do this, to do that, and we were happy about it. No regrets just go with the flow.
I think this is why I envy some people with no regular 8 to 5 day jobs. Or at least those who have a lot of free time for themselves and can do anything with it. People who have control of their own time but also have a decent job; I’d want to be able to do that, I just haven’t figured out how, yet.
I sent someone an email earlier today, so I just have to wait for a response, if that person ever reads my email.
Excited right now for Jay Sean’s concert on Friday! Thanks to Magic 89.9, Boom and Mia of On Demand, I won tickets to his concert, first time I ever won something like that. And now the first concert I’m going to watch at the Araneta Coliseum. :D

And UST has a very, very, very important game tomorrow against DLSU. :S Good luck Tigers! Go, go, go Growling Tigers! Let’s go, UST, let’s go fight! :D
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