1. Productivity is the key!

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    2011 has started, and everyone’s saying that this is going to be their year, it is time for a ‘new me’, and they generally just want to create and start something new in their lives. I believe it has always been that way every New Year, and there’s nothing totally wrong with it. It is actually a very positive outlook that we always want to try and be spanking new whenever a new year starts. It hinders idleness and gives us more room for growth.

    This is where New Year’s resolutions come into view. We think about things that we want to change or we want to improve on, and list them, and hopefully be able to follow them faithfully as the year goes by. I honestly cannot follow my own new year’s resolutions faithfully if ever I create one. Probably that’s why I haven’t created one yet for this year. But, even though I don’t have my resolutions listed yet, I have been quite productive already, or so that’s what I think.

    I have been able to actually cross off things in my ‘to do list’ for the day. Last Monday, I had things in mind that I needed to buy, and I actually was able to buy if not all, a majority of those things. Including this little notebook, bookmark, and pens that I bought for myself.

    Tuesday came and my goal was to look for a store with the cheapest price to buy my external hard drive. But since I was already there, I came out of the store with the external HD in my hand. I also was able to buy something for our home that my mom wanted. (The cat, it's actually a door stopper.) Then I was also able to change my blog’s layout/design when I arrived home.

    Yesterday I went straight home but I was able to back up files from my mom’s laptop (since I don’t have one) and continue with the blog design. And now I am blogging! Hahaha. Oh and earlier today I made a couple of transactions. I am also waiting for the arrival of the planner I bought online! :D

    I may have been spending a lot during this first week of 2011, but it gives me satisfaction thinking that I am able to accomplish the things that I needed to do. It may not be the biggest accomplishments ever but I think the feeling of being able to get things done is what’s making me feel happy. So for my New Year’s resolutions, my no.1 entry would have to be ‘Be productive.’

    I’m thinking of doing my resolutions instead as the days go by, and not just in one sitting. If I think of something that I think I should do, then that goes to my list. (This is exactly why I bought that little notebook I could bring anywhere. And for random thoughts. :P) Or I could probably start with the attitudes that I should change; but I don’t want to give myself a master list of some sort that I should follow and then feel that if I don’t or am not able to, I’m not being fruitful.

    I want to give myself the opportunity to explore my options, and see how far I can go, giving myself more room for change. It’s just like going with the flow, but also giving yourself a bit of direction by thinking about the things you want to do or what you want to become. Not by imposing them, but by thinking ‘hey, I can actually do this.’, or ‘hey, I should definitely do this.’ I've thought of a lot of things that I want to do, next is how I'm going to put them all into action. I also thought of doing a bucket list this way, which by the way I’ve already got a lot of stuff in mind. Both are long term, but bucket lists are in a longer long term category, while resolutions are annual; they could change. :P

    Let's see how productive I will be in the coming days...

  2. 0 curious cat(s):

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